About me

My full name is Kornelis Sietsma - I tend to use “Kornelis” for formal correspondance, and “Korny” the rest of the time.

I grew up in Australia - first Geelong then Melbourne - but now I am permanently settled in the lovely town of Leighton Buzzard in the UK.

I work as a principal engineer, troublemaker, and general wise-guy for Liberis, a small-business finance company.

This site

This site is for me to store anything much that doesn’t live on my blog - there’s not much here but it’s nice, say, for storing Minecraft tips for parents as I write them.

Have a look at the top menu bar for any content here - there’s not much so far.

Side projects

My code usually lives on github.

I have one main technical side project - the Polyglot Code Tools which are a suite of tools for visualising and understanding software built in a wide range of programming languages (hence “polyglot”). All the details are at https://polyglot.korny.info

This goes in bursts as I also have a significant other side project - my family!

Contact Information

I own the domain sietsma.com so email is the best long-term way to get hold of me - korny@sietsma.com should get to me unless you hit the spam bucket.

See the sidebar for links - but honestly I’m not really regular on these, my usage is roughly:

  • Mastodon is my preferred social network, but it’s a firehose I don’t always find time to drink from, so not really much presence there
  • Linkedin I check every now and then, mostly for work stuff
  • BlueSky I’m starting to use a bit more as I’m hoping it kills Twitter, but I am not really active
  • Facebook I only use for family and very old friends who use nothing else
  • Instagram only if someone sends me an Instagram link
  • Threads ditto
  • Twitter - I have an account, I don’t share it, it’s a cess-pit and Musk is a crawling horror

These days a lot of my social chat is private - WhatsApp or Signal, or on Slacks or Discords. As a busy parent I just don’t have time for much more.

Other websites

I run the Sietsma family web site but there’s almost nothing there at the moment - this page gets more love.

I have a blog at https://blog.korny.info which I post to on occasion. The blog is for new things - long-term pages will probably show up here. It’s always a bit of a work-in-progress.

The Polyglot Code Tools site has a lot of information about the tools - it is rather in need of a clean-up, which I’ll do - one day.